Saturday, November 19, 2022

World's Finest #9 Strange Visitor Chapter Three: Fears of a Clown

 Just a few words about this issue of Waid & Mora's marvelous World's Finest, which is the best book on the stands right now.

Wrong answer, Batman. The right answer is:

Curbing your emotions in the field doesn't mean being CYNICAL. It just means being RATIONAL and not acting impulsively. And Superman, of all people, would agree.

Don't make false dichotomies between Batman and Superman. Batman certainly wouldn't.

THANK YOU, Mark Waid, for remembering that Wally doesn't like Roy because he's an annoying hipster.

And that everyone feels that way.  DC; give Waid and Mora an on-going (or limited) series of the Original Teen Titans and I will be THERE for it.

There are few things scarier in the DCU than Superman trying hard not to be angry.


  1. Which would be worse: Superman mad at you or disappointed in you?

  2. DC has very quietly assembled a terrific team of stellar artists who can do poster-quality splash panels as well as clear storytelling. Dan Mora, Bruno Redondo, Rafael Albequerque, Ryan Sook, Mike Perkins, Jorge Jimenez- even when the stories have been forgettable, the comics have looked amazing.

    Having Mark Waid write stories set in the past, but not sequels to his older hits, is a smart move. This series has been excellent.

    - Mike Loughlin

  3. Not reading a lot of comic in recent times, I have been unaware of these artists and it's a pleasant surprise. And yet I see complaints about Comic Art Nowadays Being Terrible? I confess I do not understand most people's taste in art.
