Thursday, September 16, 2021

Our Hero and HIs Priorities


Hal Jordan is the hero Coast City deserves.


  1. The fact that Hal throws in a probable ethnic slur makes this all the better.

  2. "No evil shall escape my sight."

    It's right there in the oath, Hal. Pretty sure crooks who break jail fall into this category.

  3. "Look ethnic slur dude, I could try to remember scraps of Ollie ranting about the flaws of the carceral system, like how our gold-grubber would be paying a modest fine to a civil court if he stole hundreds of times the value of that gold through embezzlement, but we both know that I was too drunk to listen to him, and I'm just going to go to a party where I can try to grope the boss..."

    It's actually kind of amazing that in all the reboots, Elseworlds, and parallel Earths, we never got Tom as Earth's Green Lantern.

  4. Tom was too busy getting super computer powers or whatever the hell was going on in New Guardians,

  5. Ahem; I believe you are confusing Tom with the Japanese guy, "RAM".

  6. Well, he's supposed to be the hero of an entire SECTOR. If he goes after street crime on Earth he'll have to go after street crime on every planet in his sector and how much time will THAT use up?

  7. To be fair, that would be like sending SEAL Teams off after a purse-snatcher.
