Wednesday, June 21, 2017

1001 Ways to Defeat Green Arrow: Man-Bears


  1. Wait -- that can't be the Arrowcar. The Arrowcar is the size of a small subdivision. That looks like some little clown car or Arrow go-kart. Was this a clever deception GA used to trick the furries into doing something stupid?

  2. Steve Mitchell6/21/2017 2:56 PM

    And who told Gerry Conway he could port over Marvel-style story titles to DC?

  3. P.S. What could be stupider than driving the Arrowcar?

  4. Nocenti's run also had Green Arrow mixing up with a man-bear. Issues 8 and 9, I think, which involved a guy named Lear, his three daughters, and a mutated bear that Lear wanted to put his brain into. Or something.

    Dear sir, I know you have the mental fortitude to stare into the eyes of Hal Jordan and the face of Jean Loring, but Nocenti's first arc is enough to destroy mortal minds. Please just trust me that there were bears involved.

  5. Why on earth is she ever allowed near...anything?

    I mean, anything other than a bear?
