Thursday, September 01, 2016

Talking Head Week #6: CAW Needs YOU!


  1. I'd join but the output would make me look fat.

    ... actually the fat would make me look fat. Does CAW have something that can fix that?

  2. I'm tempted, but my big concern is what I put on my resume, when I eventually go looking for a new job. While the Criminal Alliance of the World has a less nonsensical name than some of the other organizations in the space, but still, people are going to get suspicious when your employment history includes things like Extralegal Overseas Monastic Artifact Acquisition Manager or Extraterrestrial Law Enforcement Officer Research and Foiling, people are going to wonder how good a Walmart greeter you're really going to be...

  3. Did Scipio just make CAW look cool?!

    Sign me up! These past guys are all dead anyway, they don't care!

    If we need to steal ancient artifacts to fuel our energy-intensive raygun-shooting lifestyles, I'm game! These laser rifles won't recharge themselves, you know!
