Thursday, August 04, 2011

Debating Iris West's Death


Iris West wouldn't have been murdered...

if she weren't so MEAN.



  1. Agreed. You can even see that Reverse Flash paid very careful attention to Iris's wording, and made sure she dropped dead before he laid a hand on her. (Vibrated a hand into her, perhaps, but didn't lay it on her.)

    Had she been more self-aware, she would have asked: "Eobard, why on earth would you want to marry me? I understand you want the good things in Barry's life -- the speed and the time travel -- but all I do is bring misery. Not even you can reverse that." Then Eobard would have returned to his time, satisfied that Barry was already in hell.

  2. My god; that was perfectly well put.

  3. I'd say she wasn't mean enough. Thawne gave her one good shot, and she wasted it on an ineffective slap. Had she been packing a .45, or perhaps a flame thrower as her friend Jean Loring was wont to do, this would have turned out VERY differently. Hey, if she'd just kneed him in his, er, speed force, she might have been able to permanently disable him in some fashion. No, the lesson here is when a speedster gives you an opening, you take it.

  4. Why WASN'T she carrying a flamethrower in her Batgirl costume utility belt? Just in case?

    What's UP with that?!

  5. I see no need for social niceties when rebuffing an intended rapist.

  6. Scipio, I am beginning to think that...yes...Iris IS just a tad on the...uh...cranky side. And she doesn't have the same excuse that Jean had, in as she was insane.

    No, Iris appears to be in possession of all of her marbles. Her MEAN marbles.

  7. An intended rapist? Really, Dale, what's wrong with you? Did Brad Meltzer retcon your mind?

    I own that comic. Thawne is smitten with her and asks her to marry him; she and Barry have been having troubles. He is by no means an "intended rapist"; a crazed killer, certainly, but not an 'intended rapist'.

  8. And Iris was a longstanding obsession of Zoom's, not a one-time thing.

  9. steve mitchell8/05/2011 8:18 AM

    I've long since forgotten. . .but why was Iris dressing up as Bat-Girl?

  10. It was a costume party with a superhero theme. There were a lot of odd little touches to go with that. Barry wanted to go as Batman, but for some reason the costume shop didn't have a Batman costume, so he had to go as the Flash. Professor Zoom is pretending to be just some guy dressed as Zoom, as is Hal Jordan, who briefly shows up at the party in his Green Lantern costume.

  11. "Why WASN'T she carrying a flamethrower in her Batgirl costume utility belt? Just in case?"

    Damn straight. Girl needs to learn to accessorize. If she'd borrowed a clutch from Jean, Thawne would've gotten an RPG in the kisser.

  12. Oh, and I just remembered, one of the other Rogues was coincidentally at the party, taking advantage of an opportunity to quietly rob the place in costume.

  13. Um, yeah, there is ALL sorts of crazy going on during this and the following year. Like the Rogues stealing the Reverse Flash's costume off his corpse at the morgue so they can metaphorically whiz on it.

  14. steve mitchell8/05/2011 9:56 AM

    In terms of plotting, we've lost so much since the first Crisis. . . .

  15. I own that comic. Thawne is smitten with her and asks her to marry him; she and Barry have been having troubles. He is by no means an "intended rapist"; a crazed killer, certainly, but not an 'intended rapist'.

    I hadn't read that comic since it was first published; I remembered he had tried to force her to marry him, which amounts to rape. Sorry if I misremembered it after 30 years.

  16. Iris looks like a woman who doesn't take a lot of crap. Good for her.
