Tuesday, March 01, 2011

The Joker's Afro-wig


What's better than the Joker in an Afro-wig telling Lex Luthor a joke as they head to a burger joint for lunch?

Them heading to a burger joint for lunch while Lex listens to the Joker tell him a joke...

in haiku.

A scientist is
testing a frog; he says 'Jump'
and it leaps 12 feet.

We need a lot more of that in comics, I say.

What haiku can you compose in honor of this truly unusual panel?


  1. Joker to Luthor
    Existential Villainy
    Lost in the retcons

    Shatner weave Joker
    Has Morrison seen this yet?
    Tropes are colliding

  2. Hold the pickle, hold
    The lettuce, or I will kill
    With Joker venom.

  3. Four legs, jumps ten feet
    Cut off two legs, jumps twelve feet
    All legs gone, no jump

    Scientist notes the results:
    "Frog lost its legs - and hearing"

    (I know, this is a tanka, not a haiku, but I couldn't fit in the punchline otherwise)

  4. the Joker needs hair.
    He steals it from Dolemite.
    Looking good, Joker.
