Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Gorilla City

My new favorite song...

the last line is the best.


  1. It is the very definition of an infectious ditty.

  2. Yay, 'tis Ookla the Mok! (I trust you've heard "Arthur Curry" and "Theme From Super Skrull?")

  3. Oooh, lots of Ookla the Mok can be had over on emusic.com! Totally legal and everything!

    (My word verification was "hentess", which I guess would be an Earth-2 Japanese heroine ...)

  4. But, but ... What if they DON'T have all the gorillas I need? :-(

  5. It's about time you got on the Ookla bandwagon! They've got a whole bunch of comics-related songs, and all of them are awesome.

  6. I am changing the subject completely. But I have to bring this up SOMEWHERE. Spoilers for Robin #182.

    Did Jason Bard just blackmail police detectives Cavallo and Wise with pictures of them having sex together? "The girls stopped participating... but the action didn't stop. Not that there's anything wrong with that...."

    I can't think of any other interpretation of the scene, myself.

  7. Who is this and how did you find it?


  8. Again, go get your Ookla the Mok for legal over on emusic.com, including the "Gorilla City" song, and about twenty other comic-oriented numbers. How many songs do you know that work "post Zero Hour continuity" into the lyrics? Well I know one ("Stop Talking About Comic Books Or I'll Kill You").

    "I've got the wisdom of Solomon
    And the strength of Hercules
    I haven't memorized what 'AZAM' was
    But I still fight evil in my red pajamas"
