Friday, November 14, 2008

The Joker's Favorite Movie

Doesn't it kind of go without saying...?


  1. Ha! Nope, no real surprise there!

  2. Makes sense...

    Also one heck of a good movie too.

  3. Well, I don't know. Somehow I think a darker comedy would appeal more to the Joker; something like Arsenic and Old Lace, Dr. Strangelove, or Fargo.

    Mad Mad World, with its race to solve the puzzle and find the hidden loot, seems like it would appeal more to the Riddler. Just my thoughts.

  4. I agree with TotalToyz. Except that I don't think his favorite movie would be a comedy, though - at least any movie that's thought of as a comedy, because its humor would appeal to normal people. I think his favorite movie would be something along the lines of A Clockwork Orange or Marathon Man, but he would find it hilarious.

  5. Yup, gotta go with Chad on this one. I remember seeing a comic panel somewhere, I forget what (I want to say Swamp Thing but I'm not sure) where the Joker was reading Emmanuel Kant and cracking up.

  6. If so, then the Joker has VERY good taste.

  7. just saw the preview for the next issue of Trinity over on Newsarama. Guess who makes an appearance?

  8. No way. He clearly prefers that Hitchcock masterpiece, Psycho.

  9. bryan: what? The Joker is nowhere in that . . .

    oh! you mean THAT guy!

    What was that, Captcha? Oh, yes, I think Scipio will be "plessed" to see that. Very plessed indeed.

  10. I could see the Joker appreciating something like 'Penn and Teller Get Killed'.

    Anyway, this whole thing reminds me of the Letterman Top Ten List that was, I don't know, Top Ten Surprises in the New Batman Movie, or something, and one of the entries was "The Joker introduces his two new henchmen: the Smoker and the Midnight Toker".

  11. So if "Mad Mad World" is the Riddler's favorite movie, what would the favorite films of some of the other major Bat-villains be? Here are some of my guesses.

    Penguin: "The Birds"
    Two-Face: "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (1941 version w/Spencer Tracy)
    Catwoman: "Cat People" (Val Lewton original)
    Scarecrow: "Silence of the Lambs"
    Mr. Freeze: "The Man With Nine Lives"
