Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I'm foregoing my usual list format for Things That Made Me Happy this week, so as to make a focused impression:

If you can read Superman this week without crying, then, frankly, you have my pity.

That is all.


  1. Well you can't be hinting at what it seems obvious you're hinting at . . . can you? Ulp.

  2. If Kryto dies, that's it I'm gonna stop reading comics.

  3. I read this right before I left to pick up my books and I was so nervous the entire drive there. Cruel, cruel person.

  4. My store didn't have it! Grrrr!!!! Piracy here I come! (and I'll buy a copy next week if they have one)

  5. NOOO!

    I haven't read it yet, but now I'm really afraid to go to the store.

  6. *snif* Got something in my eye....

  7. I was two pages away from thinking, "What the hell was Scipio talking about?"

    Then I read it.

    He is so right. Anyone who can read that and not be moved has something seriously wrong with them.

    Just goes to show you that there are no stories more touching than those of a boy and his dog.

    That said, his abbreviated Happy post does mean a failure to acknowledge the reappearance of a certain Rolling Head of Pantha, plus Mrs. Reyes, kicking ass, taking names and looking hot in surgical scrubs. Both of which combined with Krypto's heroics to make my comic book week.

  8. Oh, I'll get to them, Alan (I think). Where was the RHOP? I missed it...

  9. Didn't cry, because mine is a black and tiny heart, but was deeply moved.

    Allan's "boy and his dog" take nails it. I've never seen life through a dog's eyes more...comprehensively ... than I did in this issue.

    Makes me want to seek out those issues of '70s Superman Family in which Krypto was a hard-traveling hero, rambling the highways and byways of the land, and had a secret identity.

  10. The ever-loving RHOP appeared not once but twice in Ambush Bug: Year None #3, which also featured the long-awaited return of DC's most obscure hero, Odd Man.

  11. I would hope that the final page of Blue Beetle #31 could at least merit a mention...

  12. While I didn't cry, I was moved deeply by it, Superman has been really good lately, and yeah, I was thinking reading it that they might kill him off (without reading your post first, scip)

    I won't spoil the end, but it was beautiful

  13. I didn't cry.

    I gave it a standing ovation, though.

    In the middle of the comic shop.

  14. Haven't read it, but let me guess... more RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE?

    Probablyt Lois. It'll make Superman "deep". PLUS DRAMA!

    Ah, comic books.

  15. Um... whoever you are, I think you need a vacation...

  16. Oh my, I think I just had the best laugh of the week, from Ambush Bug page 8, panel 6 (with a drunk Golden Age Lois Lane berating her husband.) Might need to use a magnifying glass or squint real hard....

  17. Phew, Scipio, you're a very naughty boy. I may send back my copy of TFTF . . .

    I never wept or cheered, thought it was quite sweet the line about him being Metropolis's dog though. I'm a cat person.

  18. I didn't cry, no, not me. was my allergies. Yes, that's it.

    Who's a good dog? Krypto is, yes, he is! And Lois got a well-deserved wake-up call.

    This, Blue Beetle and Fables were my favorites this week. Ambush Bug was ridiculous as usual, but I rather enjoy that in my comics.

  19. Being a dog lover and reading this post...this makes me afraid to read about Krypto. My emotions ran wild when Wonder Dog mauled Wendy and Marvin, I don't think I can take what you guys are hinting at with Krypto...let alone any dog.

    I don't get this book, but my friend promised to let me borrow it...but now I am dreading asking after reading these :( Maybe I will just ask him to tell will take the sting out of it I think.

  20. Hurray for Krypto! Good boy!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. If it had been Streaky, the final panel would have been, "Butt Taste Good".

    This is why we need more Streaky.

  23. I have largely quit reading comics. I mostly just enjoy them vicariously via Absorbascon, etc.

    Rather than risk Scipio's pity, I guess I'd better read it. Do I need to get the previous three issues to appreciate it properly?

  24. If someone had told me the three best comics to come out in a two-week period this year would all be Superman titles, I would have laughed at them.

    I'm not laughing, but I'm "Happy."

  25. And a few ramblings from me on the book:

  26. It was everything I hoped for and none of the things I feared.

  27. I have to confess...I went to the comic book store last night to get my weekly comics and they had none of Superman #680...sold out. So at first I breathed a sigh of relief that I wouldn't get to know what happened. Then I bucked up and ask the girl behind the counter if she could like in someone else's pull list so I can just look at it and finally get to know what everyone was talking about...I told her about this blog and what was said and she just looked at me like I had three heads or perhaps that I was Kypto himself...who knows. Anyway she let me look at someone else's copy but continued to gab my ear off so I could not actually read it...I did see the ending and I am very happy it was not what I feared...I gave the book back and now will wait until my friend let's me borrow his so I can see why I am supposed to cry as I couldn't get involved in it with this girl yakking my ear off. LOL

  28. Weird. I love Superman, I love Krypto, and I love The Absorbascon, and yet I hated this issue (and all the others in this arc) with a passion. If anything about it was going to make me cry, it'd be that it was so awful, and that Robinson's awfulness will now be crossing over with Johns' greatness on a monthly basis.

    That's Superman and Action dropped, for me.

  29. Hm. Could you be more specific about what you didn't like?

  30. Sure. I just don't think that Robinson has a particularly good handle on Superman or Lois at this point, and I find his dialogue and captions to be painfully awkward.

    Honestly, Robinson's Superman seems like kind of an idiot. At the very least, he's a bully. Specifically, I hated the way he spoke to Zachary and to the citizens of Metropolis at the end of the book. Very arrogant, ignorant and patronising... admittedly very Golden Age (hardly a surprise with Robinson, no?), but very much at odds with Johns' work in 'Action'.

    I recognise there are different ways of portraying Superman, and that's fine, but this isn't one I want to read about. On its own merits, I could just avoid it every month and that'd be fine, but I'm worried about how it will affect Johns' run now that the books will be crossing over on a regular basis.

  31. Goodness, there's so much useful data here!
