Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Sayings of Robin the Boy Wonder

From the Showcase Presents: Robin the Boy Wonder

"I'm not studying astro-mechanics for nothing!"
You'd be surprised how often three-body problems come up in crimefighting.

"Just call me Wary Harry!"
Really; isn't "Dick" bad enough?

"If Dick Grayson's face breaks out at the same time as Robin's, my secret identity is blown!"
From the story where Robin invents Clearasil Ultra Tinted Acne Treatment in chem lab.

"I think worrying about acne is what Bats would call alter-ego-ism."
Or, as regular people call it, vanity.

"Sorry, no happiness deliveries today!"
Okay, now we know how he put himself through college.

"In Gotham High, we're all friends!"
Good lord, Robin goes to DeGrassi.

"I recognize their leader-- Tommy the Tramp!"
Well, when you're all friends, word gets around fast.

"Pretty neat idea of mine, disguising a collapsible costume as a tie."
Robin versus Tim Gunn.

"URTCH'H! My--cape! Hooked-on-window!"
Shoulda listened to Edna Mode, dearie.

"We could use a small, high-powered rocketship in our work, couldn't we, Jimmy?"
Okay, fine; maybe astro-mechanics does come in handy.

"Don't like the idea of tackling a 70 year old man, but I've got to!"
Robin versus Tim Gunn, Round 2.

"Well, by golly, if the world can take a man like 'Babe' Ruth -- the greatest slugger baseball has ever known-- then I suppose the world can also stand a guy proud to call himself...Robin!"
I'd worry less about the name 'Robin', than your tendency to say things like 'by golly'.

"I go for Davy's togetherness!"
It comes with Happiness delivery (along with bread sticks).

"How can I resist-- I've always wondered what computer fans did at a meeting!"
Sarcasm ill-behooves you, Dick.

"With the world the shape it's in, maybe the Jesus people are right."
This is from the story where Robin discovers Two-Face is behind Young Life.

"Almost as if the Lunar Model had a mind of its own!"
I think someone's been studying too much astro-mechanics.


  1. Fun post, Scipio. Won't buy the book now, you gave us all the good lines...

  2. Re: Robin vs. Tim Gunn

    I feel bad for poor Robin, since that is a battle no mere boy, man, girl or woman can win. As skilled and talented as he may be, Robin is still mortal and Tim Gunn is a god and while I admire the boy's hubris, we all know what happens to those poor souls who tangle with the gods....

    They do not make it work.

  3. Gotham High? All of Gotham has one high school?

    Do they study anything besides each others' names?

  4. Gotham really has a fairly low birth rate. All that crime, explosions, mass poisonings and so on. It's hard to keep your mind on procreation.

    My personal favorite is URTCH'H! My cape! The thought of Robin just hanging there in a window by his cape, is just too delicious.

  5. I kept reading those fashionista references as DALE Gunn, and trying to figure out how that worked... although the tie as uniform bit had me worried before I finally figured out what you were actually talking about. :-)

  6. Hm.

    Dale Gunn versus Tim Gunn?

    Tim, no doubt. He'd be immune to Dale's brand of man-stink masculinity, but Dale's self-image would be punctured quickly by a few quizzical comments on his little neckerchiefs with coveralls.

    "Dale. We're not costuming a remake of Carwash here... ."

  7. My wife is a big fan of Project Runway, so I actually know who Tim Gunn is.

    I'd love to see a new version of Match Game, with Tim Gunn in the Charles Nelson Reilly spot. Kathy Griffin and Piers Morgan in the Brett Somers and Richard Dawson spots, respectively. And William Shatner hosting.

  8. ... a new version of Match Game, with Tim Gunn in the Charles Nelson Reilly spot. Kathy Griffin and Piers Morgan in the Brett Somers and Richard Dawson spots, respectively. And William Shatner hosting.

    That would be awesome.

    How about Jonah Goldberg in one of the spots?
