Friday, February 10, 2006

The Red Hood

I see that the Red Hood is not getting as much love in Custom Heroclix Poll as the other candidates. But, you know what? The Red Hood doesn't care. Why?

Because he's going to kill you, and he's already headed this way...
How... how can this be? He's running last place in the poll, yet ... there he is, already made.

Isn't it obvious? The Red Hood cheats.

Oh, in case you are wondering, he's on the Rookie Joker dial from the Icons set, so he's a very straightforward figure to play.


  1. Yeah, R Joker = Red Hood!

    I don't what Wizkids was thinking when they made the dial for their Red Hood LE. It's nice but, I mean, Enhancement...what the heck? And the Red Hood needs Aquatic for goodness sake.

  2. A Rookie Joker re-paint. Truly inspired.

    Hey, I don't have a lot of choices for base figures in tuxedos!!

    (Wait til you see a certain gentleman I've recently been commissioned to do...)

  3. Oh, Dale, I'm sure David was being serious, not sarcastic. What better sculpt and dial could there be for the Red Hood?

  4. "(Wait til you see a certain gentleman I've recently been commissioned to do...)"

    I think I really don't want to see Scipio in a tux...

    (Now *that's* sarcasm!)

    Indeed, it's not even a ghost of a chance of being the right guess...

  5. I look very good in my tuxes, thank you both very much!
