Tuesday, January 10, 2006

You're too modest, Ted!

Ladies and gentlemen, the ribald comedy of Ted Knight and Dinah Lance the elder....

I swear, sometimes it's just too easy...


  1. I think I need to experience some full "Black Canary Style" soon.

  2. It involves leather and fishnets, I believe. And wigs....

  3. And not those kind of wigs either.

  4. Don't forget the choker.

  5. Hey look! They're ordering from the menu at that famous diner "The End."

    Okay, I got nuthin'.

  6. not to be confused with "The Good" "The Bad" or "The Ugly"

  7. I always thought it was odd that an acrobatic martial artist would wear a wig to disguise herself, but holy baby jebus, now I see why. Get that girl a stylist, stat.

    I'm thinking that's a Dick Dillin/Jack Abel panel, though. And we all must earnestly pray that if these characters are actually real people somewhere, they never bore more than a passing resemblance to anything Dick Dillin drew or Jack Abel inked.

    Hmph. What's Ted doing with the full sized Cosmic Rod that's so important Dinah can't use THAT, huh? No wonder she hooked up with Ollie. That man has a whole quiver full of toys.

    Good Lord, Oliver! Not the boxing glove arrow! You have to work your way up gradually to that thing...!

  8. Isn't that just a polite way of saying "Keep your tiny rod to yourself, Ted."

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