Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Plastic Cat Arrow Haikus

You know, maybe Green Arrow (at least the Golden Age version) is cooler than I thought. Using a Plastic Cat Arrow in the fight against crime is impressive. Being able to HAIKU smugly about your Plastic Cat Arrow in your opponent's face: darned impressive.

Attached to a thin
shaft that you couldn't make out
and fired by me.

Dang! Nice one, Ollie.
Speedy, however, isn't as swift as his name implies, and his attempted haiku falls one syllable short:

The wind whistling through
this specially fluted arrow
which I fired.

Nice nature image, though. Or maybe I'm being unfair, and Roy pronounced it "fire-red", which is either classy and Elizabethan or it's embarrassingly hillbilly.

In either case, please help Roy out by composing a better haiku about his Meow Arrow or the situation as a whole.


  1. this specially fluted arrow

    Speedy's middle line is 9 syllables and his last one's 4. Poor Speedy still needs some practice.

    Anyway, here's my pitiful attempt:

    You have mouse problems?
    Then you need my patented
    Plastic Cat Arrow.

    ...although it needs a (TM) at the end.

  2. This shaft is so small
    That you can't see it. Why are
    you giggling, Dinah?

  3. Speedy doesn't have
    time for haiku - These arrows
    will not flute themselves!

  4. Mike Grell's uber-violent Longbow Hunters would have been a hundred times better if he used the "Plastic Cat with Meow Arrow" just once.

    "Dinah! You... you've hurt her! Now, prepare to tast cold, cold vengeance!"


  5. *sigh*

    What would I do without my daily doses of The Absorbascon?

    I don't know.

  6. Speedy can really
    Make his arrows go "Meow";
    Now that's impressive!

  7. Taste feline justice
    You villainous felon!
    Twang! Meow! Voila!

  8. Plastic Cat Arrow
    Takedown nearly as humbling
    As Aquaman's best.

  9. Ollie:
    Funny isn't it?
    Time wasted on trick arrows,
    make with the pointy.

    Huh? Must be on the
    nod again. All due to my
    heroin arrow.

    What? My sidekick's a
    junkie? Oh yeah, covered this
    a long time ago.

  10. Heroin arrow funny!
