Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Lois's High-Impact Haiku

Oh, nice try, Lois! But you were so distracted by the attempt on your life, you forgot the seven-syllable caption would have to go in the MIDDLE of your other two lines. D'oh!

Still, impressive use of stuttering to add the extra syllable in the last line; no wonder you got a Pulitzer.

"A sniper's bullet ...
[and during a shopping trip]
b- barely missed me!"

If ya ask me, I think she over-reacted. No doubt it was simply the DCU's League of Fashion Assassins aiming for her ridiculous tamarind Coco Chanel pillbox hat, purely out of a sense of decency and devotion to a well-dressed society.

Poet-readers; if you were Lois (or an onlooker, or the sniper!), what haiku would YOU have composed upon this occasion?


  1. Fun! Extra syllablee in the last line though;

    how about just


    That'll do it@!

  2. Oh crap she saw me!
    Sniping sucks, bad guy loses.
    Superman is here.

    Lois stress relief,
    Shopping, she sees a sale!
    Bullet misses brain.

    Gloved hands wave!
    Panic strikes Lois Lane!
    Orange! Cringe!

  3. LoFA membership,
    must stop the awful trends!
    Kill the gloved one!

  4. I hate the brick walls!
    Topple them all! Each brick falls!
    By my sniper's bullets!

  5. Jimmy, perched atop a distant roof, mutters to himself:

    Can't you see he's mine?
    Superman loves me, not you!
    Die, orange temptress!

    Shortly following the bullet's KRACK!, Lois monologues:

    My life theatened? Yes!
    Hot Kryptonian lovin'
    Is coming my way.

    Superman, watching from low earth orbit, shakes his head.

    Dammit! She still lives.
    I want to date other girls...
    I suck at break-ups.

  6. Each year at this time
    The competition gets worse
    January sales

  7. From the alleged sniper:

    Almost hit someone!
    Have to find better way to
    Remove grafitti

  8. Okay, we're going to HAVE to make a website just for these...

  9. Goddammit Lana
    You had your chance in Smallville
    Quit shooting at me

  10. Alas, poor building!
    Struck down in its prime by a
    badly-aimed bullet.

  11. Jimmy must have bad
    aim since I'm only seven
    feet away from him!

    If only I let
    him touch my boobs last weekend
    he wouldn't be mad.

  12. Bonus points for putting the phrase "seven feet" in the middle of a haiku, Des!!!!

  13. Cheers! What can I say?
    Poetic inspiration
    found through Lois Lane

    (pssst...that's also a
    haiku...but sadly this is
    not quite a haiku.)
