Monday, August 29, 2005

Dr. Domino's Balls

I don't really care who this guy is. Or what his powers are.

I want him in the DCU.
We need him in the DCU

We DESERVE him in the DCU.

Oh, and these guys, too.

They can all work for Dr. Domino!


  1. I'm glad that 8 Ball there has such a big ball on his head, because judging from that picture of him, he's got a raging case of microphallus & microtestis going on.

    I'm not a size queen, I just like 'em big (tee hee, snicker)

  2. You dare mock the mighty 8-Ball? He was Sleepwalker's archfoe! And he was pretty cool...

  3. [b]I'm glad that 8 Ball there has such a big ball on his head, because judging from that picture of him, he's got a raging case of microphallus & microtestis going on.[/b]

    Nothing new there. If you take a close look at most super-heroes' skintight outfits, the reason they feel compelled to beat up bad guys is to compensate for shortcomings in other areas...

  4. 8-Ball was actually a surprisingly competant villain, if I recall.

  5. Every now and again plot points from defunct series end up in other, more popular series... in that light I am mildly surprised no one ever though to make 8-Ball a Spider-Man villain or something.
