Friday, July 08, 2005

The Real Reason I Hate Green Arrow!

Before, I didn't like Green Arrow. I have sinced learned from So So Silverage that he WAPPED my beloved Vibe. Now, I HATE him with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.

Yesterday, my custom Vibe heroclix arrived. And Monday night when Devon of Seven Hells puts Green Arrow on the board, I will have only one goal in mind...


  1. Congrats on Vibe's cameo last weekend on Justice League, by the way...sadly, there was no break dancing.

  2. Oh THERE WAS...

    at least, at my house there was!

  3. No, H!

    Using Vibe to obliterate Green any cost!

  4. Okay. Um...

    Vibe had a little setback.
    Aquaman hits pretty hard, you know.
    The Atom packed a wallop for a little guy.

    Oh, and the,
    exploding arrow hurt, too.

    But he'll be fine.
    He'll be back.

  5. I'm sure he'll be breakdancing back to the Heroclix map any day now, with all of his amigos.

  6. Y'know, I'm suprised everyone missed this, but doesn't Firestorm look pretty happy about Arrow's left hook? Might want to direct a little hatred that way, too.
