Monday, June 08, 2009

Pep 22: the Big Yellow Marble

Like a dog, the Shield marks his territory through circumminction.

"The earth is MINE, Giant Jackboot; MINE, I say!"


  1. you mean circummicturition ?

  2. heh; to a Latin major, "circumminction" is sufficient, but yes, that's exactly what is meant.

  3. Did you also mean jackboot?

  4. Okay now THAT is a typo, LOL!

  5. If DC won't take The Hangman, he can always change that blue to a deep purple and get a job as a Marvel 3rd-string villain.

  6. I like how you posted this cover without any reference to what ELSE happened in this issue....

  7. Those are some big honking spikes on the jackboot. Must be hard to walk in those things, although I suppose being larger than a terrstrial planet limits the need (or even the opportunity) to walk much.

    Also, German and Japanese flags on the heel? I'm pretty sure walking on your national flag is more desecration than veneration, especially if the neighbor's dog has been in the yard again.

    And hey, no Italian flag? Did Mussollini let his Axis membership lapse or something? Must have been late war era...

  8. I've heard of hobnailed boots, but this is ridiculous.
