Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Sword of Haiku

Haikuesday at the Absorbascon is on hiatus today, in protest over certain matters.

If, however, anyone is inspired to write haiku by this drawing:

who am I to stop them?


  1. Phoney Aquaman
    Merlin and stupid shark-man
    Somebody kill me

  2. Sword of Atlantis?
    What's with shark guy's big toothbrush?
    His nemesis: Plaque.

  3. Ho! New Aquaman
    Roll your d20 to hit
    yonder foul shark man

    Behold! Hither is
    Mighty Aquaman, slaying
    monsters for treasure

    Sing Ho! Aquaman
    is't true that the blade you bear
    is a +1 sword?

    Aquaman fears not
    the sting of mortal combat
    he needs no potions

  4. Wow, you're totally right, Mike.

    "New from DC in 2006:
    The Undersiders, by Judd Winick, starring

    and Brush.

  5. New Aquaman? Great!
    "Orin" couldn't hold a sword
    with that water hand

    New Aquaman will
    have to become aquainted
    with true Sea Justice

    Aquaman, Batman
    team up agaist shark-person?
    He'll be his new chum

  6. Sorry Scipio
    I think it looks enjoyable
    and will try it out

  7. Haikus are pretty
    They evoke beauty and strength
    New Aquaman? Neither

  8. Aquaman, Ragman
    And Hal's old buddy The Shark?
    What a lame comic

  9. What are they doing
    To my Aquaman now? Oy!
    Come back, Nick Cardy!

  10. Only one sketch and
    One NEWSARAMA story
    Hello knee: meet jerk!

  11. I'm sorry but that last one is brilliant.

  12. Sword of Aquaman
    Will never succeed without
    Hot Octopus Love

  13. Oh, God! Tragedy!
    This is no super hero!
    Nothing else is good.

    Everything must be
    Just as it always has been
    Supernerds hate change

  14. I never thought I'd
    be wishing for a bearded,
    handless Aquaman.

  15. Only one sketch and
    One NEWSARAMA story
    Hello knee: meet jerk!

    Now that's good.

  16. Sword and Sorcery,
    Good thing no one remembers,
    Sword of the Atom.


  17. Old man with pitchfork
    Santa Claus and the devil
    Together at last

    Shark man with tooth-stick
    What, will he saw me to death?
    A dentist's nightmare

    Marine Conan yay
    King of the sea goes stabby
    Good idea how?

    Orin? Arthur? Hm.
    Neither name nor costume makes
    Any less lame.

  18. Sure, the sword's nifty,
    But let's see him get it past
    Good Old Brother I!

    Why's Arthur so glum?
    He misses Peter David,
    But won't admit it.

  19. Scipio is mad
    His fictional lover is
    Replaced by Conan.

    He goes to the sea
    To seek consolation in
    The arms of Topo.

  20. Orin is no more
    He-Man is underwater
    He has the power!

    Warlord starts anew
    Claw, Sonja, Arthur as well
    New D&DC?

    Fantasy, Sci-Fi,
    Heroes together make the
    World's fattest fanboys

  21. Getting at the heart of Aquaman's public perceptions:

    Sword of Atlantis
    Will not undo the damage
    Filmation had wrought.

  22. Hey, Kurt Busiek!
    Think I will give it a shot
    Don't see what's so bad

  23. A sahaugin, a
    beggar, and a confused blond
    walk into a bar.

    The shark-looking guy
    actually looks kinda cool
    for a Marvel guy.

    Lord of the Rings was
    great, but this is just going
    to silly extremes.
