Tuesday, August 02, 2005

In the Silver Age

In the Silver Age...

I felt much safer, knowing that Green Arrow was running around at all times with an Atomic Warhead Arrow in his quiver.

Didn't you?


  1. Well, but come on, he would only use it in a desperate situation!

  2. Unfortunately, desperate situation appears to equal "giant starfish attack". Which happened all the damned time. And it's not like the nukes did much but make the giant starfishes angry and radioactive...

    Between Ollie's Quivver Warhead, constantly being bathed in superman's X-ray vision, and hanging around Firestorm it's quite a miracle that any of the leaguers weren't completely sterile, at the least...

  3. No wonder Barry couldn't work up enough penetration-power.

    I guess Ollie forgot the Starro can use atomic energy to grow. In the next panel, Starro EATS THE ARROW.

    We'll show you that one later...

  4. Where does he get these wonderful toys???

    One thing I did like about the GA revamp in the recent series is Ollie telling how some of the stories of his amazing Silver Age arrows had been exagerrated in the telling. "That wasn't an arrow with a big-ass diamond instead of a tip, it as just a diamond-tipped regular arrow."

    He'd probably explain this one away as having dipped an arrow in a bucket of luminous paint. All the better to see Starro by.

  5. Damn, where did I put that uranium for my arrows.

  6. I'm not fan of Green Arrows, but even I must admit it takes serious cajones to run around fighting crime with an atomic warhead (apparently activated merely by impact) on your back.

  7. Wait wait! This is Starro the Conqueror here, right? The only intergalactic warlord that could be taken out with a sack of lawn fertilizer, THAT Starro the Conqueror? Damn, what a time to not have a sack-of-lawn-fertilizer-arrow in the quiver! Time to fall back on the tactical micro-nuke option then, obviously, what's the problem?
